About Me

Leeds, United Kingdom
I am a 20 year old Graphic and Communication Design student in my second year at Leeds University. I hope You like my little design blog introducing me and my graphic work. Mainly though to feature my own creations, or occasionally designs I really admire. If you do or don't like it or would like to give me tips, please feel free to follow, subscribe, like, message, etc. me. Would make me happy! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 29 December 2010

and probably the last post before the launch of my website :)

I have been planning my graphic design website and will be launching it soon, however I have decided it has been waaay too long since my last blog post! Geez I am lazy. 
Definitely time to post a little something again! I am not at home in Berlin where my mac and work are at the moment- but I felt the urge to post something again to fill the gap. Just a little apperitive before I upload all my uni work for this year so far, and other private doodles or tutorials- and of these I have several because I've had an awesome tutor this year.

Mainly I have been practising Adobe Photoshop vigorously the past few days and weeks (and at least attempting almost every tutorial that caught my eye online), so that hopefully I will have a more or less impressive selection in my website..
Anyway, before I promise too much here a few little photoshop tutorials I have been doing recently:


A tutorial for Photomanipulation for which I used a Stockphoto. Mainly just created layers of colours to make the sky more colourful and vibrant, mucho changes in hue and saturation of course and some fooling around with light effects and large curly glowing letters, bringing the lightness to the image.

And again a tutorial for photomanipulation. Actually it was for the movie poster of Knightrider - but since it features an Audi I thought I might as well do the honours and turn it into an Audi ad. Nice car after all :) .

And a simple tutorial working with the layer option and blending- which didnt want to work properly on the windows edition I'm using though... Well, I'll be back on my Mac soon to upload many more and better images to my website soon :)